Timber Harvests – Timber Marking & Sales

When marking harvest timber, the current condition of the stand is analyzed by a forester to determine the best harvest practices to utilize to meet our client’s needs. Timber may be marked for different types of harvest from one stand to the next, on a single property, depending on the timber stand’s current stocking level and species composition.

How the Timber Sale & Harvest Process Works

During the marking process, foresters use paint to selectively mark harvest trees. Individual trees are chosen for harvest to promote the long-standing health and productivity of the stand. Next, a sale notice is created and marketed to licensed and state-bonded logging companies/timber buyers. Our sales are created in the form of sealed bid sales, with a minimum accepted bid, ensuring the client receives fair market value for their timber. The client also reserves the right to choose which (if any) bid and logging company to select and accept an offer from.

During the harvest process, we ensure forestry Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are implemented and followed by the logging companies to benefit the post-harvest condition of the property. Our foresters routinely check-in with the loggers and conduct inspections of the ongoing harvesting operations. Part of the inspection process is to ensure only the purchased, marked trees are harvested. If an unmarked tree is taken or severely damaged, we ensure our client receives fair compensation for the lost piece of timber.

A forester selectively marking timber for a timber sale.

How the Client Benefits from Utilizing a Forester

Ultimately, the timber seller benefits from our services because we serve as a liaison between the client/seller and the harvesting company to protect the long-term standing health of their forestland. We also ensure the timber seller is fairly compensated by the harvesting company for any and all timber removed. With our services, the client/seller knows exactly what and how much timber is being sold, as well as post-harvest expectations. This allows our clients/sellers peace in mind knowing their property will be left in the best condition possible post-harvest and they received fair compensation.

The Fees for Timber Sale Services

All fees associated with our timber sale services are collected in the form of a commission post-harvest. A percentage of the final, selected offer paid by the harvest company is collected for rendered services. Therefore, our sale services involve no money out of pocket for the seller/client. Commission rates vary by the type of harvest and location of the harvest.

The marked and harvested timber from a timber sale.

More information:

Timber Marketing

Tips for Timber Harvesting

Indiana DNR Link for Forestry BMP’s: https://www.in.gov/dnr/forestry/2871.htm

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